Our Practitioners

Clinical Psychologist & Breathwork Guide, Founder of The Moon Collective Sanctuary

Lydia Luna is a licensed clinical psychologist with over 15 years of practicing experience based in California. Through her own healing work, she has learned to use her barriers and hardships as a catalyst to continuously search for meaning and purpose. Lydia has discovered that there is an infinite amount of power we are all connected to and hold within. A love, wisdom, and strength that goes beyond our comprehension; and an ability to tap into this power once we understand the blocks or barriers that get in the way. Lydia uses what she’s learned personally, academically, and professionally to guide others through challenging times and to help access the virtues they already possess. She has dedicated herself to helping people tap into their inner power, strength, and wisdom to experience a freer life with a greater sense of love and appreciation.

Lydia has responded to a calling to create a space for those seeking to rest, reflect, heal, and grow. In her own journey toward attaining higher consciousness, she constantly seeks to incorporate practitioners into Moon Collective Sanctuary whom she’s met along her path that have an exceptional heart and talent to collectively create a magical space for those seeking to evolve.

Lydia Luna, Ph.D.

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Yoga/Meditation Teacher & Sound Bath Facilitator

Isabella is a yoga and meditation teacher, and sound bath facilitator based in Los Angeles, California. Through her steady yoga practice and transformational experiences with movement, meditation, and sound, Isabella was called to create and share these experiences with others. Isabella deeply believes in the power of yoga and meditation to cultivate a healthy dialogue with our inner being— connecting the mind, soul, and body. Through her offerings, she facilitates a process of discovery which brings forth clarity, peace, and relaxation that exists within. Bringing the body to a place of harmony and rest allows for healing in the truest form.   

Isabella leans on over 15 years’ experience in education to create a safe and accessible space for individuals to explore and align with their most authentic self, discovering the healer within. Her goal is to help others navigate the physical world with a deeper connection to the self; to live a more purposeful, aligned, and fulfilled life.

Isabella Rivera


Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist & Hypnotherapist

Odette Dahi is a licensed marriage and family therapist and hypnotherapist. She has a doctorate in metaphysical sciences and a background in spiritual psychology. Odette is also a certified guided imagery meditation facilitator. With over 20 years’ experience in the mental health and healing field, her vast experience includes work with addiction, trauma, and the inner-child.

Odette has dedicated her life to learning many holistic modalities in order to support and guide others to heal and be the best version of themselves. She strives to help others reach their highest potential. Her work combines traditional psychotherapy, hypnosis, reiki, mindfulness techniques, and studies in spirituality.

Odette’s gift is to create a safe and healing space that cultivates love, empathy, and compassion as she helps connect the conscious and unconscious.

Odette Dahi, LMFT, CcHt.

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Coffee Reading Master & Intuitive Energy Healer

Ani Carla Kalafian is a Coffee Reading Master, Intuitive Energy Healer, and Communications Specialist. She is extremely passionate about culture, the arts, wellness, and bringing people together to work toward a fulfilling cause.

Trained in the modalities of Reiki and Pranic Healing, she brings the combination of sharing intuitive information, deep wisdom through symbols and signs, psychometry, and channeling spirit into everything she puts her energy into. She finds fulfillment in helping people and keeping ancient Armenian traditions and rituals alive through hosting healing circles, coffee reading sessions, retreats, workshops, mentoring, and publishing photography and written works on her experiences in various bilingual and publications distributed globally. 

Reading coffee is an ancestral practice that is deeply embedded in her family and heritage. It’s a major part of her spiritual offerings and is a personal honor to keep this traditional ritual alive as an act of cultural preservation.

Ani Carla Kalafian

Shakti Reiki Master & Reiki Training Facilitator

Patille is an Integrative Shakti Reiki Master with a background in Yin Yoga, Meditation, Shamanic Healing, and Trauma-Informed Dance. She dedicated 12 years to guiding youth wellness and is the creator of Emerging Girls, a self-care program for adolescent girls. Currently, Patille is facilitating Reiki Trainings and pursuing an MA in Counseling & Depth Psychology and Marriage & Family Therapy.

Patille Kebabjian